
Papertronic Images & Sounds will Transform Learning and the Future of the Book

Discover Images & Sounds – a publication that is a printed book (use your own smart phone) and an eBook (you’ll need whatever electronic device that you use). The Papertronic and eBook both have identical designs with paragraphs and short videos linked together.

These publications are aimed at media students and teachers (studying media studies, film studies and media arts), subject teachers (for student responses to learning across the curriculum) and anyone who enjoys making videos.

Images & Sounds establishes audiovisual language as a partner with written language. 

  • Marks an historical moment when audiovisual composing complements and parallels written composing 
  • Presents audiovisual composing as a subject in its own right – with its own communication system and body of published works  
  • Introduces the audiovisual language as a means for studying subjects across the curriculum
  • Launches a framework for teaching and learning audiovisual composing 
  • Initiates a range of applications and outputs using audiovisual composing  

Anyone, anywhere, at any age, can create videos using audiovisual composing.

Take a look at the Images and Sounds Papertronic or eBook.

Find out what happens, in Education, when you see that Audiovisual Composing is a major Language paralleling and complementing Written Composing.

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